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KWANZA stands out as the entry hosting package to signup. Besides other goodies KWANZA tags along a unique domain name that you will be yours to keep.

We recommend KWANZA for small and medium business, education institutions, religious organizations and Personal websites.

Kwanza comes with all the standard features listed on the right of the page.

Pili Hosting


PILI comes with all that KWANZA has but with additional storage space and Bandwidth.

We recommend PILI for clients who need more space for storage. Businesses, institutions and organizations that have web content that overgrow KWANZA, PILI will be your next hosting parking.

We advice that you do not keep junk or content you do not need on your server. You might be paying for space you don’t need

PILI comes with all the standard features listed on the right of the page.


Corporate hosting


CORPORATE has been configured for business and institutions.

CORPORATE gives you lots of room to host multiple websites within the same account

CORPORATE comes with all the standard features listed on the right of the page.



Email hosting can be a very attractive option for companies-both big and small- especially as a means of gaining new customers.







