Using The Image Scaler Печать

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  1. Click on the Image Scaler link in the Image Tools section of Image Manager.
  2. A list of your web hosting account's home directory will be shown. You can navigate your way to the directory containing the images you want to scale or find a single image you want to scale. Once you find the directory or a single image you want to scale, click on the directory name or the file name to load the "Image Scaler".
  3. The Image Scaler provides a great deal of information to you. First you will notice a statement similar to the following:
    • "We will be scaling /path/to/your/directory or filename/."
    • If the directory or filename is not correct, click on the Go Back link and start with Step 1 above. If the directory or filename is correct, move on to Step 4 below.
  4. Next you will see the "Current Dimensions" shown for the image(s) you are scalilng.
    • Example: Current Dimensions: 16 x 16

Below the "Current Dimensions" will be two pairs of text boxes. The first pair of text boxes shows the "New Dimensions" for your image. In our example, the "New Dimensions" text boxes will have 16 and 16, respectively. The second pair of text boxes shows the "Percent" and defaults to 100 and 100, respectively.

Before we continue, notice the "Keep Aspect Ratio" checkbox below the "New Dimensions" option. The "Keep Aspect Ratio" is checked by default. If this is checked and you modify the first "New Dimensions" text box and then tab over, it will change the second "New Dimensions" text box and the pair of "Percent" text boxes, respectively. Using this option will keep the same aspect ratio of your original image without distorting the image when you scale it down. If you want to modify the dimensions and or percentage manually, without the "Keep Aspect Ratio" option checked, click on the checkbox to turn the feature off.

Keep in mind the "Percent" text boxes will automatically be adjusted whether you have the "Keep Aspect Ratio" option checked or unchecked. Or if you adjust the "Percent" text boxes first and then place your cursor in any of the other text boxes, the "New Dimensions" text boxes will change accordingly. Play around with the settings until you feel comfortable modifying the images.

  1. After you have adjusted the "New Dimensions" and "Percent" values in Step 4 above, the next option is the "Retain a copy of the old image as." The checkbox for this option is automatically checked by default. If this option is checked, cPanel will create a copy of the original image and its original size. A copy of the image will be placed in the path shown below the "Retain a copy of the old image as" option. The system automatically defaults the path to the current directory your original image is located and adds the prefix "old-" to your image's original name.
  2. Once you have made all the adjustments to your image(s) or the directory of images in the "Image Scaler," click on the Scale Image button to proceed with the modifications. Or if you want to reset the dimensions back to their original state (display only), click on the Reset Dimensions button.
  3. A confirmation page will be shown stating:
    • "Your image path/to/your/image/ has been scaled to the new dimensions YOUR_NEW_DIMENSIONS."
Click on the Go Back link to return to the "Image Tools" section

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