Error Messages Print

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When the page loads and if there are any errors associated with your account, the following will be listed:

  • Day/Month/Year/Time
  • Client IP
  • Error
  • Location of page error occurred

For example, if a particular file does not exist, the following error will be shown:

[Wed Feb 14 21:41:43 2007] [error] [client] File does not exist: /home/user/public_html/404.shtml

The above indicates the file 404.shtml is not on your account. Most likely, the file was accessed somewhere on your web site and is now giving you an error.

Another example is if you do not have a robots.txt file on your account. First note that a robots.txt file is specific to search engine spiders. It's okay if you do not have this file, but the system will generate an error if a spider is unable to locate a robots.txt file on your server.

[Wed Feb 14 17:06:46 2007] [error] [client] File does not exist: /home/user/public_html/robots.txt

The errors displayed in this report are to help you identify where problems may be occurring on your web site and/or web hosting account. If you need further assistance with any of the errors listed, please contact your web hosting provider.

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